Peut-on grandir en allant dans l’espace ?

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La NASA a découvert quun astronaute en apesanteur dans lespace peut gagner jusquà 3% de sa taille. Une personne de 1m80 pourrait ainsi gagner plus de 5 cm. Cette augmentation est due à la diminution de la pression sur la colonne vertébrale.
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Can Space Travel Make You Taller?

Spending time in space can have surprising effects on the human body, including an increase in height. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has discovered that astronauts in zero-gravity environments can gain up to 3% of their height, translating to over 2 inches for a person who is 6 feet tall.

How Does It Happen?

The key factor behind this growth spurt is reduced pressure on the spine. On Earth, gravity exerts a constant downward force on our bodies, compressing the spinal discs and vertebrae. In the microgravity of space, this pressure is alleviated, allowing the spine to expand and lengthen.

Benefits and Drawbacks

While increased height may seem like a desirable outcome of space travel, it also presents challenges. Astronauts who spend extended periods in space often experience spinal decompression sickness, which can cause pain, weakness, and balance issues. Additionally, the body’s adaptation to zero gravity can lead to bone loss and muscle atrophy, making a return to Earth’s gravity difficult.

Long-Term Implications

The long-term effects of space-induced growth are still being studied. It is possible that the extra height gained in space may be permanent, but it could also diminish over time once the body re-adapts to Earth’s gravity.


While space travel has the potential to make astronauts taller, it is important to consider the associated risks and drawbacks. The human body is remarkably adaptable, but prolonged exposure to microgravity can have both positive and negative consequences. As space exploration continues, scientists will continue to investigate the long-term effects of spaceflight on the human body.